New images reveal shocking conditions at Strangeways prison, highlighting a crisis of drugs, violence, and neglect.

Manchester: You won’t believe the state of Strangeways prison right now. New photos show just how filthy and neglected it is. We’re talking blood on the walls, rats everywhere, and broken windows. It’s a real mess.
According to a recent report, the prison has become a playground for organized crime. Drones are being used to smuggle in drugs and weapons, making it a dangerous place for everyone involved. The Chief Inspector of Prisons, Charlie Taylor, even said it’s a national security threat.
He pointed out that the prison’s security measures are falling apart. Inmates are burning holes in windows just to get their hands on contraband. It’s wild! Last year, he called Strangeways the most violent prison in the UK, and it seems things have only gotten worse.
Drugs are rampant, with nearly 40% of inmates testing positive. The violence is off the charts, and self-harm rates are among the highest in the country. The place is just falling apart, with filthy wings and litter everywhere.
Rats are a huge problem too. Inmates are even throwing food out of their windows, making the situation worse. It’s so bad that they’re stuffing foam from their mattresses into gaps to keep the rodents out. Can you imagine?
Photos show the grim reality: blood on the walls, mold in the showers, and trash all over the exercise yard. It’s a shocking sight. The Chief Inspector is really worried about how organized crime is taking over, and it’s affecting not just the prison but the community outside as well.
Experts are saying that the prison needs to focus on rehabilitation and keeping inmates busy to reduce drug use and violence. The government claims they’re working on it, but it sounds like there’s a long way to go.
Local police are also stepping up efforts to tackle the organized crime linked to the prison. They’ve launched operations to disrupt these activities, but it’s clear that this issue is far from solved.