A shocking Coronation Street storyline highlights the real fears teens face today

Greater Manchester: It’s wild how much pressure teens are under these days. They deal with the usual stuff like homework and friendships, but now they also have to worry about their safety in their own neighborhoods.
Many kids are scared to go out after dark or visit certain areas. It’s a sad reality that’s hitting home for a lot of teens in the area, especially with the rise in knife crime.
This week, a storyline on Coronation Street really brought this issue to light. A character named Mason Radcliffe was stabbed in a shocking scene, and it got people talking.
Just recently, a 14-year-old boy named Kelyan Bokassa was stabbed on a bus in London, which is just heartbreaking. Knife crime is a big problem in the capital, but Manchester isn’t far behind.
In fact, Manchester has one of the highest rates of knife possession crimes in the country. Over the last three years, there have been more than 2,000 incidents. It’s no wonder teens are feeling anxious.
Students from Newman Catholic College shared their experiences, and it’s clear they’re aware of the dangers. They’ve seen friends get threatened or worse, and it’s made them rethink how they go about their daily lives.
Samuel, one of the students, mentioned a friend who was threatened for his wallet. He said it makes everyone nervous to go out alone. It’s not just about them; it’s about their friends and family too.
They’ve even changed their habits to stay safe. Kemi talked about how they avoid certain areas known for violence, especially at night. It’s sad that they have to think this way.
Heaven, another student, worries about walking home after school. She feels like there’s a higher chance of something bad happening, especially when it’s dark.
They all agree that social media plays a role in this. The glorification of gang culture and violence makes it seem normal, which is really concerning.
It’s almost like people are becoming desensitized to it. When they hear about stabbings, it’s not as shocking as it should be. That’s a scary thought.
Access to weapons is too easy, and they believe that’s a big part of the problem. While laws exist, they feel it’s the underlying issues, like gang culture, that need to be tackled.
Parents have a crucial role in educating their kids about these dangers. Samuel mentioned how his family taught him to be aware of his surroundings and to prioritize his safety over material things.
After the intense storyline on Coronation Street, a mother of a stabbing victim praised the show for raising awareness. She believes it’s vital to educate young people about the risks of carrying knives.
Jade Akoum, whose brother was a victim of knife crime, echoed this sentiment. She thinks it’s important for shows to depict the harsh realities of violence, as it could make a difference for someone watching.
Headteacher Glyn Potts from Newman Catholic College isn’t surprised by the students’ fears. He knows this is a widespread issue, not just in Oldham but everywhere.
He emphasized that young people shouldn’t have to live in fear or know about ‘no-go areas.’ It’s a serious problem that needs addressing.
Potts believes that the government should step up support for schools and youth services to help combat this issue. It’s crucial to create safe spaces for young people and provide them with the support they need.
Overall, it’s clear that knife crime is a pressing issue that affects many lives. The conversation sparked by Coronation Street is just the beginning of what needs to be a broader discussion.