Monster Created Home as a Magnet for Children to Commit Horrific Abuse

Monster Created Home as a Magnet for Children to Commit Horrific Abuse

A man has been sentenced to life for abusing 11 boys over 20 years. His home was a trap, luring kids in with games and treats before he exploited them. Monster Created Home as a Magnet for Children to Commit Horrific Abuse Salford: A man named Carl Jones has been sentenced to life in prison.…

Twisted Trainer Pleads for No Ban Before Arrest at Airport for Grooming

Twisted Trainer Pleads for No Ban Before Arrest at Airport for Grooming

A personal trainer was arrested after begging not to be banned from the gym. He feared the victim might report him to the police for his inappropriate actions. Twisted Trainer Pleads for No Ban Before Arrest at Airport for Grooming Greater Manchester: A personal trainer named Matthew Lawrence got himself into serious trouble. He was…